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Illegal Ops

6   Articles
9 Min Read

Lockheed Martin: Hacked!

Today a few members of our team are coming forward to the story of how they hacked into one of the most secretive and secured privately held businesses in the world. Aliens, hacking, and government secrets are all inbound and slated to release over the next weeks. We have it all, and you want proof, of course. You always put the burden of proof on us truthers, and someday we are going to take the time to tell you how one-sided and toxic this relationship is, but today we are just going to give you what you asked for. With a newly signed pact amongst our group, we have collectively decided to start sharing verifiable details on this site cautiously.

9 Min Read

Fort Ord, Gigling, and Die Glocke

Deep within the confines of Fort Ord, hidden from prying eyes, lies a mysterious facility known as “Gigling.” This secret facility played a pivotal role in the creation of many policies and tactics to control the American people in the event of existential threats. Many martial law strategies, programs such as FEMA, and alien-invasion simulations were invented at this facility. There are even rumors of secret programs and alien technology being revealed by cryptographers. Step into the shadows of Gigling and its origins with Die Glocke and learn about the hidden facility underneath the now-decommissioned base of Fort Ord.

5 Min Read

Maul the Sith Lord Hacker

In the world of hacking, labels such as black hat, grey hat, and white hat are often used to categorize hackers based on their activities. However, these terms fail to convey the true abilities and intentions of these individuals. When it comes to describing an elite hacker with malicious intent, I prefer to use the term “Sith Lords.” Among the few Sith Lords I’ve encountered, one stands out as particularly ruthless. For safety reasons, I won’t disclose his real name, but I will refer to him as Maul. Hailing from the Russian Mafia, he operates within a secretive network of brilliant minds driven by malicious intent and abundant resources. In this article, I will share my personal encounter with Maul, how I crossed paths with him, and the dangerous game that ensued.

4 Min Read

Tony the Terrible

There’s something I’ve carried within me, a secret that has remained locked away, unspoken, until now. It’s a story of courage, justice, and the triumph of the underdog. In the depths of a company plagued by bullying and elitism, I found myself working under the tyrannical rule of a man named Tony. His reign of terror was shielded by company policies that prohibited electronic devices like cell phones and laptops in conference rooms. Our operations were deliberately analog, making it seemingly impossible to expose Tony’s true nature. To make matters worse, all the complaints to HR were ignored because the head of the department was Tony’s wife. But I was determined to bring about change, and I knew that I had to find a way to shatter the walls of silence.

2 Min Read

Subliminal Sway

As a seasoned freelancer in the realm of advertising, I have witnessed firsthand the intricate inner workings of the industry. However, there is a secret I have been harboring, a clandestine story that has left me uneasy and questioning the very nature of my profession. Brace yourself as I peel back the layers of this conspiracy, sharing my personal experience working on a covert project that involved embedding subliminal messages within a commercial for a beverage company, “Fizzola” for release in Romania (and I presume other countries).