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4   Articles
23 Min Read

EBO ScientistA

The biggest thing to happen for disclosure just occurred: a scientist working for Battelle National Biodefense at Fort Detrick, Maryland just gave us details about the existence and current scientific understanding of aliens. This may be the single greatest disclosure to ever occur in our lifetime on the subject and while we are still working to vet the details, some aspects align so well with our own intimate understanding of Battelle that we are inclined to believe this to be factual and true.

2 Min Read

Government: Information Classifications

Classified information and code names have long captured our imagination, representing hidden knowledge and covert operations. In this blog post, we breakdown classified information, exploring different classification levels and intriguing code names associated with clandestine programs. Let’s unravel the mysteries and shed light on these intriguing aspects of secrecy.

9 Min Read

Fort Ord, Gigling, and Die Glocke

Deep within the confines of Fort Ord, hidden from prying eyes, lies a mysterious facility known as “Gigling.” This secret facility played a pivotal role in the creation of many policies and tactics to control the American people in the event of existential threats. Many martial law strategies, programs such as FEMA, and alien-invasion simulations were invented at this facility. There are even rumors of secret programs and alien technology being revealed by cryptographers. Step into the shadows of Gigling and its origins with Die Glocke and learn about the hidden facility underneath the now-decommissioned base of Fort Ord.