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Ever After

2   Articles

A collection celebrating the people, methods, ideologies, and tools that have contributed to the success and happiness of individuals in their careers.

Join us in spreading joy and appreciation as we recognize the people and elements that have helped some reach their “happily ever after.”

3 Min Read

From Student to Mentor and Back

Some of the best advice I ever received was to always have a mentor throughout life. If you don’t have a mentor, then how intentional or accountable are you about seeking self-improvement and growth? I found my first business mentor at 17 working as a handyman for a successful entrepreneur, Mike. He had built his wealth over time through hard work and persistence. He had slowly worked his way up to 20 or so rental properties, and his full-time business was simply maintenance and improvement of his properties. He wasn’t content to sit on his ass and collect a check like most landlords. He believed that we can only grow if we continue to invest in ourselves. Mike taught me so much about who I wanted to be as an entrepreneur and helped me realize that I could achieve anything if I had the fortitude.

2 Min Read

Positive Gatherings

In the midst of a turbulent year, where the tech industry has felt the ripples of the COVID-19 pandemic and unstable economic conditions, I found myself facing challenges and setbacks….